yoyoyo! 2dae going eunice house to do project then later we go her house n eat! there is hot dogs,fries,nuggets,corns n roti jon! whao so scumptious rite! then later gt left overs then later eunice sabo me sae give me eat then later i end up eating like 2 more nuggets! so full lor! then but then we finished eating was like 3:30 le lor then later we play wif the hamster! the picture tat gt the shoe thingy look carefully there's a hamster in it! then later we do until 5:15 like that! then later i veri suai lor! when walk to the bus stop 176 just nice came n left without me! sad! then later when in 176 the time i even alighted 1 stop eariler at the end leh walked until my ankle veri veri swollen n red! nt cuz of walking lar cuz of i almost tripped over sth then later i think twisted lar i think onli i nt doctor! sad! pain until when walking the time must use hop 1! :(ohh yar 4gttoen the hamster is in priscilla's shoe! :)